About Me

Well hi there.
I'm Vindextra, or just Vin for simplicity.
Social Media Header Facts
- In my 20s
- Go white boy go
- he/him (in a cis+ way)
- Aromantic
- Also, I'm American, but trying my best.
Normal People Facts I could use at a career fair:
- Currently studying Cybersecurity
- Really big advocate for privacy (and you should be too)
- Grew up in Florida
- As a result I shrivel into a little ball if the temperature goes below 50 degrees F
- If you're transphobic I'll beat you to death with a shovel
- Tall as hell (6'4")
- I'm a pretty stoic person.
- Sarcastic humor, unless its funnier to not be sarcastic for the joke
- Introvert who's capable of pretending he isn't.
- I require time alone to recover from seeing people.
Actually interesting facts:
- My ultimate modus operandi for life is simple: do the least amount of work possible.
- There's no proper diagnosis, but I'm dyslexic. I will guarantee there will always be least 3 spelling mistakes on this site that I just won't see.
- Also no diagnosis, but there's no way in hell I'm not autistic as well.
- Related to that, I tend to only focus on a few things at a time
- For example: games. I tend to only have 3 games I ever really focus on at a time. Most of those games are listed here:
- Minecraft: I'm not even going to try and count
- Dota 2: 6,000+ hours
- League of Legends: 2,000+ hours
- Crosscode: ~200 hours
- Bloons Tower Defense (series) ~100 hours
- Minesweeper: Dunno, it's a hallway game for me.
- I don't track console games the same way because they work on a completely independent fixation timescale.
- I do a similar thing with movies, shows, and books. I don't know their pattern nearly as well because I regularly go weeks without watching/reading anything of the "officially serialized" sort.
- On the flip side, I'm just as capable of reading some 1000+ pages in 3 days as I was in 4th grade, so who's the real burnt out gifted kid here?
- Used a jailbroken Iphone for like 6 years
- I download my own music, fuck spotify. Over 3000 songs downloaded and I've been doing it since I was 12.
- I do not trust any smart appliance. You will have to use physical violence to even get an alexa inside my home.
- (no seriously, take it from someone who is learning to deal with this bullshit, you do NOT want these things near you.)
- Can't code for shit.
- I will learn the most obscure coding language on earth to be able to lobotomize smart appliances if that's what it takes.
- Very dramatic, but in the most lazy way possible.
- I've all the necessary components to be a theatere kid, I just wasn't in the right environment to make that happen.
- Haven't paid for any show or movie I've watched in at least 4 years.
- I can count on two hands the number of shows or movies I've watched in the past 2 years
- I've been in choir since 6th grade. The music teacher at my middle school was fucking insane (in a good way.) She taught us so much. I could have passed college music theory I and II after taking her class for a year. I'm decently fluent at reading/sightreading sheet music as a result.
- I'm rusty as hell though so don't expect me to actually do it.
- If I were to do music professionally, which I had the option too, it would have been as a vocalist.
- I sit at a very middle-of-the-road baritone. Think Frank Sinatra era songs, that singing is what my voice was made for.
- My sense of rhythm is really, really strong. Which is very funny because no one on my family can keep a beat at all.
- I can play some basic guitar chords, slowly working on adding more.
Also, I struggle with
For as long as I have active memory, I've struggled with depression in some way. I don't remember much of anything from before highschool, and even that's incredibly blurry. I also didn't realize I even HAD depression until nearly the end of highschool, during the COVID lockdowns.
Since then, it's been a pretty aggressive up and down battle with it. Moving into my dorm was great, and I rode the high of new-found independence for a few months, but I found myself right back in the same trench as usual.
Recently, I started antidepressants, and holy shit. It's great. I can do more than the bare minimum in a day, I can focus on doing things again! I can do my hobbies again! It was like rediscovering being alive in a way.
So I threw myself into these hobbies. Splatoon has always hovered around the edge of my interests. I played the first game when it was new, and the second a few years later when I got a switch. Got 3 the day it came out. I never really let myself engage with it the way I wanted to, and only now have I come to learn that was a depression thing. Now that I'm not (as) shackled by depression, I've changed that.
I forced a friend to bully me into making an OC, and from there I started writing. It wasn't anything serious at first, but then, two chapters into Breakpoints, I realized that I actually really enjoyed writing and developing a story. I had a blast one night coming up with the initial outline for the story at large, and since then, it's become one of my main drives in my day to day.
But more than that, I'm using it as a tool to find myself again. I've already learned I like writing, but what else is there? I plan to use this story as a tool to find at least some of that answer. I'm currently working on making music as well, something I've wanted to do as long as I can remember. Some of it will be related to, some of it won't be. Regardless, it's still a moderate way's out. I also plan on learning how to draw. Unlike the music though, I don't have any background to pull from there, so I can't jump in and just start drawing the same way I could for making music. It's in the works though, I have some plans.
So yeah. That's why I made this site. I wanted a place I could store everything I've made that I could easily point to. Admittedly, it's pretty barren right now, but after a year? After 3? I think I'll be really happy with what I've got.